Saying that Satan is a liar may sound like a cliché. However, it is a grim reality for all humanity. Considering the damage deception causes, we can only pray that we don’t become the next victims. Satan used deception as his first weapon against man and he succeeded. The use of deception has proved to be very potent.

In Genesis 3:1-15, we learn how Satan caused the fall of man. God had forbidden Adam and Eve not eat from the tree in the middle of the Garden. This was the tree of knowledge. However, Satan managed to lie to Eve by sowing a seed of doubt and curiosity. She disobeyed God and ate the fruit. This lie had ripple effect, for she too lied to Adam and he at of it. This lie blinded Adam to the consequences of disobedience. In Genesis 2:17, God warned Adam and Eve that they would die if they disobeyed. Unfortunately they disobeyed the creator. Truly Satan is a liar.

When God said they they would die he meant that they would be separated from Him. Thereby Adam and Eve lost fellowship with our Father the creator. Losing fellowship meant losing both intimacy with God and losing authority over creation. Adam and Eve lost dominion over the earth, the animals, the sea and the heavens above. This is why in Luke 4:5-7, Satan tempted Jesus Christ to worship him. In return, he would give Jesus Christ the kingdoms of the earth. How exactly did Satan get to rule over the kingdoms of the earth? He had used deception and Adam lost the authority of the earth to him. That is why in verse 6 he says that the kingdoms were delivered to him. Truly Satan is a liar.

We lie and get lied to all the time. The culture of lies is deeply embedded in human society. Sometimes people lie to get out of a tricky situation. Others lie to make gains at the expense of others. Lovers lie to each other in relationships, politicians lie to get votes, some lie to get social approval and the list is endless. Truly Satan is a liar.

Man has been conditioned to believe that some lies are lesser than others. These lesser lies are called white lies. However, as the scriptures say, a lie is a lie and no sin is lesser than the other. Deception has destroyed lives, societies, communities, nations, kingdoms and even churches. Lying is one of the sins that God hates. We find this in Proverbs 6:16, 17.

Men of God too have not been spared from being used by Satan to lie. In 1st Kings 13:1-14, God sent a prophet to declare judgment against king Jeroboam. One of the conditions to the prophet from God was that he would not eat, drink or lodge in any man’s house. He was to go and deliver God’s judgment and then go back straight to his house. While returning back, another prophet met him and lied to him to eat and lodge at his place. This attracted God’s wrath and he was slain by a lion. These days many false prophets have risen. Jesus Christ and the apostles had prophesied this numerous times. That is why we need discernment of spirits to know them (1st John 4:1, Matthew 7:15, 2nd Peter 2:1, 2nd John 1:7). Truly Satan is a liar.

Among other sins, the Ten Commandments forbid us from lying. The process of overcoming this vice starts with knowing who you are in Christ. In John 8:44 Jesus Christ said that Satan is the Father of lies. Whoever engages in lying is either a satanic agent or is under satanic manipulation. 1st John 1:5 says that God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. If one is in Christ he has become a new creation, the old has passed away and all things become new. Now that you are in Christ, you have to let go of your old self of sin. Lying is one of the symptoms of having a weak inner spirit in the Lord.

In order to break free from sin and lying, one has to grow his inner spirit in the Lord. Growing or enlarging your spirit means to perpetually increase the indwelling of the Holy Spirit inside of you. Do the following daily and faithfully:

  • Study the scriptures and thereafter meditate on them.
  • Set a time for your daily prayer watch and preferably before dawn. Start with at least fifteen minutes and continue increasing the duration. Include praise and worship. With time the Holy Spirit will gift you with praying in tongues.
  • Avoid contamination to your spirit from evil entertainment, wrong friends and ungodly

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